Saturday 15 May 2010

Hello and welcome to the internet

Hello everyone,

Welcome and glad tidings to you all and welcome to my life, in all it's various forms, locations, occasions, moments, mistakes and grand gestures.

Most of the people who read this will know quite alot about me already, but for those of you on the interwebz looking for someome interesting to read about, sit tight and prepare for one of those boring self obsessed list that used to blight myspaces across the land.

I'm not always the person you see, butI will never lie to you
I will literally go to the end of the world for virtually anyone
I will make time for anyone and everyone
I might fall in love (love of all kinds I mean) all too quickly, but it's genuine, and pretty difficult to shake off
I'm a 19-year old History student at the University of Essex
I am a member of the Socialist workers Party (and before Saul says anything you can agree with the political theories of a person even if they were a murderous bastard like Lennin or Trotsky)
I am a little excitable when it comes to good music
I enjoy some geeky pastimes
I enjoy peoples company immensely
I like to forgive, but I cannot be a doormat
I love to listen, I like to talk but I think the gift of other peoples wisdom is greater than my own
I'm a fragile soul and things will get to me, but don't mollycoddle

Anywayz, time for an actual update on my life

Had areally good time in Wivenhoe for Kasey's birthday, fruity sambucca is a tasty mistake, Candice still has my jumper and I walked many miles with Natalie and ended up at the top of Hythe Hill

Finally managed to organise a band practice for next week, we haven't done very much yet, but with a drummer like Scott and a singer like Sarai and a bassist like Nick, the potential for lead guitarists who are better than me, and the apparent outpouring of musical ideas from me means I believe that we really can really spend the next couple of years making something really good out of it.

I had my first game of the season, which was singularly disastrous, came in at 3 and (sort of) scored 4 before leaving a ball swinging in from outside leg, then bowled my first over for weeks and there were many wides and went for 17 runs. We won though (y), well played mohit, lupers, akky, and the guys from colchester

Realised that it should be easier to move on than it has been, had a bit of a confidence knocker before the cricket match, need to move past it, anyone who wants to know what it is can ask but I do not want to reveal it in a public domain for various reasons

And last and arguably most importantly, revision is going not too badly, I'm a little bit lacking in HR-100 but everything else is going pretty well, even spsychology, just got one more days hard slog to put in, and I might even deprive myself of the World Twenty20 final and the Formula One until after the exam is over. PS-111 is up on Monday afternoon, I hate multiple choice, and I haven't been overly enthused by the module, but I am still relatively confident that I will make the threshold. Will talk more about the other exams closer tothe time

Anyway I'd like to finish with an advert/plea

Any lead guitarists who enjoy Prog, classic rock, British metal and extreme metal, or feels that they can add another very interesting bow, or badass lead licks to that wonderful mixture, please get in touch with me or with Scott Fenn or Sarai Lambert if you're interested.

Thank you very much for reading my endless rambling, the next ones wont be so long, or so void of opinion, but give me time and I might start telling you all what I really think about stuff

Thank's for reading, I shall see you next week more than likely

tom/thomas/afro tom/afroman

Song of the day - Pink Floyd: High Hopes

1 comment:

  1. song of the day has to be a permanent feature!

